GDF – S2 – 2011

Conduct research / Evaluate the nature of design in a specific industry context

crazy coffee drinks

by justcaptured

Up until now i have never been so interested or known what the word infographic meant.

While searching a few websites i found 100’s of  infographics and the majority of them had

me captured and i felt compelled to read on. You can learn so much about the statistics of a

certain topic in a very short time. The majority of infographics worked well. They used great

colours good fonts and had a sense of direction about them. The ones i really liked were simple

and concise and gave a broad over view of the topics. What a great way to learn!

After getting lost in the infographics world i looked a little further at a couple that i liked

and spoke about why.


I like this layout as the colours work well together. It is easy on the eye and tells us a lot of info using an overlapping method.


It will tell you how much coffee , milk, water, foam and chocolate are in eight different beverages .


Being a student of design i was very happy to find this infographic. This is one to put up on the wall and check it out at the end of every project.


At a glance you get the basic rules of how a good design should be constructed. I find this invaluable as it is so easy to loose track of the big picture.


The pro tip and closing statement are a big help and the whole layout is exactly what they are talking about, direction, contrast and rhythm.



Theme Park Maps – over the Years

by debbiemiller767

The use of info graphics in Theme Park maps, Zoo’s, National Parks have always interested me. Often they are geared toward tourists, that might not always speak the local language. So the use of info graphics are imperative to get their message across.

Magic Kingdom Map 1964

I have chosen to look at the Disney’s Magic Kingdom Park Maps over the past 47yrs. As you can see that the info graphics they started with contained only a few bits of information and basic colour and layout.

Magic Kingdom 1979

By the end of the 70’s a more realistic map with smaller more regular sized graphics. The use of colour coding certain shops/attractions has begun. Giving a better understanding of the location and type of attraction in certain areas of the park.

Magic Kingdom 1981

By the start of the 80’s the use of colour coding, the different areas that the park was divided into rather than different types of attractions. The colours are brighter and the graphics are more three dimensional. Yet the the layout is still more of a realistic map.

Magic Kingdom 1989

The late 80’s were known for hideous colour combinations, and as you can see the Magic Kingdom Map did not escape this trend.

Magic Kingdom 1991

By the 90’s it reflected the time of more basic and consistent info, containing more outlines of the attractions but keeping the coloured zones.

Magic Kingdom 2011

Since early in the 2000 they went for a more animated/ 3D feel to there map. Adding more colour to the objects while still keeping the coloured zones, but in a minimal way compared to the previous years. While adding more colours into the text.

If you are interested in other theme parks and zoo maps info graphics follow the links.–Opening-Hours.aspx

The How 2’s

by justinebarratt

10 tips for better infographics  ( IG’s )

The use of infographics to communicate complex information simply and quickly picked up momentum in 2005 with the popularity of Digg, Reddit and other social media aggregators. It’s become almost too-popular as a way for bloggers to liven up posts, media to add impact to news stories and for content marketing experts to generate viral content.

Subscribe to  daily Infographics every day by email. –

Effective PR Newswire IG shows more multimedia = more views, up to +77%


  1. Keep it simple: if there was ever a need for the KISS principle, IGs are it. Complex or over-complicated visuals are never effective.
  2. Check your facts: incorrect info decreases your credibility. Always fact check and proofread.
  3. Design counts: simplicity is a virtue when it comes to effective visual communication and bad design is… well… bad. Good design, strong headlines, choice of type, effective layout and use of white space are all essential.
  4. Color works: use color for maximum impact but don’t use it just to be colorful. Know which emotions colors convey but, most important, trust your gut instinct and first impressions.
  5. Numbers must add up: surprisingly, the numbers are occasionally wrong or don’t communicate what you want to say. Too many numbers can also be confusing. Check them carefully.
  6. Enhance narrative: make sure the visual adds to your narrative. Just like TV, a good story is even better with a great visual.
  7. Keep text brief: the best visual presentations use only essential text. Stick to the minimum number of words to tell the story compellingly.
  8. Size matters: keep the size of your file to the smallest possible for fast downloads but retain the quality of your image for best impact.
  9. Don’t overdo it: use visuals sparingly and don’t use an IG in every post or on every page. Like most things, too much of a good thing… is a bad thing.
  10. Credit where credit is due: respect copyright and always credit your IG sources. It’s the right thing to do.

5 Unbeatable Types of Infographic + Free Tools to Create Them: Ann Smarty shares best examples and free tools to help create your own IGs.

10 Awesome Free Tools to Make Infographics: offers a helpful list of DIY tutorials and programs.

40 Useful and Creative Infographics: impressive, must-read collection of IGs, several of which communicate superbly.

Best Infographics: this site by the iAF Team often is the best source for compelling IGs.

Chart Porn: don’t be misled. This site really does provide superb “data visualizations you just gotta love.” Note, it is office friendly and great collection of beautiful charts, graphs, maps and interactive data visualizations from around the world.

Cool Infographics: a blog and useful source for great IGs.

Daily Infographic: get a new IG every day. Totally random; totally awesome.

Data Mining: blog covers IGs, social media and data mining.

DIY Guide to Successful Infographic Production: Voltier Creative shares seven excellent tips to better IGs using what else… an infographic.

Flowing Data: Nathan Yau explores how designers, statisticians, and computer scientists are using data to understand ourselves better through data visualization

Good Infographics: see effective IGs at a glance; regularly updated and an excellent 

How to Create an Infographic- 44 Places to Find Tutorials and Tools


Johnny Cash Project

by samdavis217

Thought you guys might be interested to see this,
You can draw a frame for a johnny cash video which has been put together by Aaron koblin and  Chris Milk.

After you have submitted your frame you can see it in the video, see exactly how it was drawn and what its rating is.

I think is a really cool idea and the video looks great with all these different interpretations of drawing styles.

Check it out:

Music Infographics

by samdavis217


While searching for infographics I came along some quite interesting and enjoyable infographics on music, music piracy, generations of music and different genres.

I really enjoyed looking at all these infographics, I didn’t realise how many there would be, and

Some of them are quite beautiful in the way they have been created, like this one for Pink Floyd: 

There are so many different types of music infographics but here are some I chose to share with you guys..

Most pirated Artists:

And here are some others that I found quite funny:


Last of all, I really wanted to share this video (TEDtalk) with you. It goes for about 20 minutes but some of the stuff this guy has designed is really cool and I think you’ll find it interesting.

check it out! :



Meet google, the noun that became a Verb.

by vivalabonita007

As defined by wikipedia, infographics are visual representations of information, data or knowledge. These graphics are used where complex information needs to be explained quickly and clearly, such as in signs, maps, journalism,  technical writing, and education. They are also used extensively as tools by computer scientists,mathematicians, and statisticians to ease the process of developing and communicating conceptual information. Nowadays however Infographs can an are being used to represent almost everything. When properly executed infographs should be both beautiful and meaningful, allowing the viewer to decipher data and recognize trends while admiring its aesthetic appeal.

I cant help but notice the increased amount of “google” info graphics that keep popping up. Google has perhaps more than any other company become “The Internet Company.” It’s grown hand in hand with the internet and its entire business model has from the start been totally focused on the internet as a delivery platform. And let’s face it, Google is a pretty interesting company. In fact,  it’s so interesting that hundreds of people have put together really interesting infographics with a ton of facts and figures about Google. Just like these examples, so we can find out just how big google really is! Patrick Clair took google infographics one step further and created a google profile motion graphic which you can check out on his website.































Info Graphics

by lucanakin

Information graphics or info graphics are graphic visual representations of information, data, and knowledge.

These graphics present complex information quickly and clearly, such as in signs, maps, journalism, technical writing and education.

I’ve been asking from may people this question: You are Italian, can you make good coffe? I love coffe…

I found on the net a Info graphic that may interest you guys:

As a technology fan I would like to share with you this chart. Thos is a historical info graphic about the evolution of technology, but they talk about it in revolutionary term …

This chart explains how info graphics ease the process of communicating conceptual information. But, for my point of view we are going into an era when people.

Will become less intelligent and more and more visual causing a deficit of knowledge of the past and increasing knowledge of the future.

I’m not a very fun of apple product, I think they are overpriced and no affordable to everyone but,

I thought what follows here should be interesting: this chart shows the history of apple products from 1976 till now.

As a budding graphic designer could not be missed out a info graphic talking about colour, here:


Information can be beautiful

by Mike Svoboda

The visual imagery in information design can be beautiful to the eye. The examples and designers shown here, in my opinion captivate and lure me in to the data and information.

New York Times Movie Revenue Graph [Edward Tufte]

The Ebb and Flow of Movies is an interesting graphic with a lot of detailed information, inspired by a seismogram reading, it gives a beautiful earthly feel plotting something boring such as revenue.



Timelines [David McCandless]

This timeline with a sense of space represents all the time travel plots from TV and film. Squeezing everything into neat and uniform paths. Instead, curvy and chaotic lines took over as the trajectories of time, with colour representing the method of time travel. The visualizations show that you don’t have to use a traditional straight-X-Y-axis graph to create a picture that makes sense.



Eigenfactor [Moritz Stefaner]

A new aesthetics of data visualization is emerging. The universal image of the tree has transformed from a natural form that was used as a mythical image, to a visual metaphor, a symbol, a dynamic organizing structure for information, and finally, an algorithm that generates lifelike trees in virtual space.

Human Trafficking [Taulant Bushi]

A striking poster which examines global human trafficking. It depicts each country’s level of involvement (from Very High to Very Low) as either a country of destination or origin. While this poster is aimed to be aesthetically pleasing, its primary purpose is to display information clearly. All research data came from sources such as the UN and a few other organizations that maintain databases of numbers regarding abuse towards women and children. The project concentrates on the smuggling of people from one country to another – mainly illegally. In many cases these people are forced to do work that is illegal, such as prostitution or child labour. All of the text on either side of the circular design covers detailed information made available for each country. The idea of the poster is that the closer the viewer gets to it, more detailed information is revealed, such as numbers of children of a specific country being involved in



­­­­­Crayola Century [Stephen Van Morley]

Crayola’s crayon chronology tracks their standard box, from its humble eight color beginnings in 1903 to the present day’s 120. By the year 2050, there’ll be 330 different crayons

David McCandless, Infographics Genius ~ Will

by blkthread


Award winning writer, designer, author, David McCandless is taking infographics and putting it on the worlds graphic design stage as a highly respectable form of design. At first glance Davids’ work is clean, bold, bright, colourful and balanced, graphically well refined and aesthetically pleasing. When traditionally graphs and grids bring to mind textbooks or business reports, landing your eyes on something that looks like a piece of modern art (David never studied graphic design) its a breath of fresh air, it creates intrigue and draws you in like a window in a classroom.

David touches on issues from climate change to drugs to politics and time travel in tv and movies. On his website, Information is Beautiful…  , he touches on a broad range of topics some important some maybe not but either way you find yourself reading through it, learning though remaining entertained through well chosen words and of course the graphic layout and design. The layout designs bring fresh new ways of ordering importance of information, keeping things in proportion and perspective, revealing an underlining story or pattern. Its graphic design meets information design to create a informative visual tool.
For me this is graphic design for a difference at its best, its design allows important information to quickly and easily processed for the average Jo. In this day and age information and statistics are such a powerful tool, this proves with good design it can be used for good on a mass scale.

Amazing Infographics for Health Conscious People

by ilebrinsmead

Initially, I wanted to show you some alternative medicine and healing practices by way of infographics but unfoturnately, I could not find any interesting information in the web. Hence, you may be curious about Infographics on weight loss and other health issues.

Infograpics on weight loss

Generally, people do not really know the calorie intake and outtake that is contained in food and how hard it is to work out to get rid of extra energy.  So this chart below helps you to decide when to stop weight sneak up on you.

While the chart looks visually appealing, I find the comparisons only useful for people who eat what I consider junk food – Big Macs, fries, chocolate chip cookies, but not for other sensible food items.

Also this infographics may be more useful using  bar charts to show calorie intake and calorie outtake by the type and hours of exercise, instead of graphing minutes to burn off.

Facts about smoking

How about looking at the essential facts on this legal, yet dangerous acitivity: Smoking in numbers of people smoking versus deaths.

This infographic seems to show smoking causes more deaths than alcohol, car accidents, suicides, AIDS, homicides and illegal drugs  in the US.

Disease Fatality Rates

How about case fatality rates for popularly known diseases? Very interesting to note that Aids, an untreated disease ranks the highest and the common seasonal flu ranks the lowest….Beware!

Dietary Supplements Effectiveness

Truths about dietary supplements are usually obscured by marketing hypes and finding the truth about research can be time consuming.

Consider the figures in this infographics with a grain of salt. The numbers may be incorrect, and some of them are definitely open to interpretation.

Calorie Intake Outtake

Facts about Smoking

World Health

Disease Case Fatality Rates

Effectiveness of Dietary Supplements